Monday, November 14, 2011

Trotting Course Lane

In the triangle bound by Trotting Course Lane (I sure would love to know the origin of that street name) and Alderton Street, I found Remsen Cemetery. Soldiers from the revolutionary War are buried there; the nearby plaque refers to Cooper Regiment.

The plaque is back there, beyond the chain bounding the burial ground itself.

Though the sun washes out the legend on the plaque, one can see statues of douhgboys keeping vigil over other graves. A couple of them were unreadable.

Then I proceeded up Alderton Street. Beautiful autumn colors this year, such as this small maple.

Intersection of Yellowstone Boulevard and Alderton. I am accustomed to seeing Yellowstone up by Queens Boulevard; this was something of a surprise, to encounter it here.

A beautiful Japanese maple in full regalia, as I proceeded up Alderton.

Dieterle Crescent was one of several semicircular streets that started and ended at Alderton.
This next one is a curiousity: the map does not show it, but clearly it is there. I believe I was on the eastern side of Alderton.

Where do these street names come from?

Asquith? The Asquith?

Walking along 64th Road, after bearing left (west), some more pretty autumn colors.
And, Fitchett?

Heading southeast on Wodhaven Boulevard, another named avenue.

A one-block long street, Goldington Court.

And Furmanvill, at the northern boundary of St. John's Cemetery.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

World Trade Center memorial

Freedom Tower on the rise.

Music in the subways

Changing from the 6 to the N, we happened upon a musician playing the electric harp (a new one for me). Just as I took the shot, someone passed in front of me, dropped a coin into the open case, and tried to sneak past.

Occupy Wall Street ?

Watching their every move.

Lovely autumn colors.
 Watching all the time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

That flowing water

On Wednesday 2 November I got this shot of the water along Brookville Boulevard between Merrick Boulevard and 130th Avenue.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A visit to the cemetery

Last Sunday Laura mentioned would be leaving for work early, to stop by the cemetery (to visit her parents's graves). That, unexpectedly, planted the idea in my head to go visit my father's grave. Today I left home early, and stopped by the Maimonides Cemetery in Elmont. I remembered that his grave is beyond Grant Avenue (the up and down streets have Biblical names, the cross streets names of US presidents.

As it turned out, my father's grave is beyond this intersection.

I found it, in part, by searching for an elaborate plot where two de Rotschild graves are located. As we said the day of the gravestone's unveiling, it's a nice neighborhood.
After a bit, I walked over to the other side, to another up and down street, to look for Uncle Benjamin's grave. He's buried inside of a section for graves of people from their native Polish town.

An old practice, from a bygone age.

From 1928.

Cousin Susie, Ben's youngest daughter, died of breast cancer at age 48, nearly 20 years ago.

Uncle Ben's grave. My older son is named after him; he is also Benjamin Weir.

1909-1966: 57 years of age. Not quite 57. In my memory, he seemed older. I was not allowed to go to his funeral, another old practice that is bygone. Having gotten to see his grave was a satisfying feeling. Closure? Perhaps.

A picture of the neighborhood, as it were.
It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon; Daylight Savings Time ended the prior weekend. Thus, all in all, the afternoon sun was low in the sky.

PC: perpetual care. All those stones have been there for years, but for the one on the right, which I added on my visit. I recognized a couple of the large ones as having been put there by my son David.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A warm November day

Took a walk to Downtown Flushing, to do some shopping. First stop, X'ian Famous Foods, for a lamb burger: that is a spicy cumin lamb burger, served in a bun that looks more a pita than a white-bread bun, with a slice of jalapeƱo and red onion. Three bucks. Can't beat that. Bought a cup of coffee for a buck at a bakery down the block, and managed to get it without sugar (not an easy task).

On the walk back, I passed this thing on 38th Avenue; I suppose it's a tree. Or was. But why is it there?

On Bowne Street I caught this Smart car parked between the stop line and the crosswalk lines. Now, that is a parking space no other car could possibly get.

On 38th Avenue, near 147th Street, there is an old house wedged in between the parking lot of an immense nursing and rehabilitation home and rows of attached houses. Consider the ivy covering the face of the house; yet there are vehicles in its driveway.

Friday, November 4, 2011

going to New Jersey

At the Brick Church stop on the New Jersey Transit train, I took a picture of the eponymous church.

At the front door of an Italian restuarant in South Orange, I caught sight of a squirrel chewing through the bottom of a paper bag containing the day's bread delivery. I could not get closer without disturbing it, and, alas, my phone camera does not have a zoom.

And on the eastbound train platform, on the way home, I got a shot of the South Orange Fire Department building.